June 19, 2024

Juneteenth Special! How Abigail Curtis is Leveraging Our Diverse Perspectives to Maintain Our Nation's Unparalleled Defense

Juneteenth Special! How Abigail Curtis is Leveraging Our Diverse Perspectives to Maintain Our Nation's Unparalleled Defense

Juneteenth Special! This is a co-led interview as the talk with Abigail Curtis is based off her incredible article she released through the legendary ‘COME-UNITY Magazine’. Check out her article here: "COME-UNITY Magazine and Podcast led by the CEO Kitara Johnson, is proudly presented as a program of the nonprofit COME-UNITY Education and Empowerment Center. Our nonprofit is made possible through the generous support of veterans, community leaders, and changemakers who are deeply committed to fostering UNITY, INCLUSION, and providing crucial support to underrepresented community members. Their dedication and contributions drive our mission forward, ensuring that COME-UNITY remains a platform for positive change, celebration of diversity, and empowerment for all." Intro: Lt Col Abigail S. Curtis stands as a beacon of inspiration within the halls of Fairchild Air Force Base, serving as the distinguished Commander of the 92d Maintenance Squadron. Her remarkable journey is not just about rank and accolades, but a testament to the enduring values of diversity, inclusion, resilience, and leadership. Join us as we delve into her story, exploring the trials and triumphs that have shaped her into the exemplary leader she is today. From her humble beginnings as a military child to her current role as squadron commander, she has defied expectations and shattered stereotypes at every turn. As we reflect on her story, let us not only celebrate her achievements but also heed the lessons she imparts. For in Lt Col Curtis's journey, we find inspiration and hope for a future where diversity is not just embraced but celebrated, and where resilience knows no bounds. Talking Points Include: —Early Life and Military Upbringing— Lt Col Curtis's upbringing was steeped in the rich tapestry of military life, where diversity was not just a concept but a lived reality. Growing up in a close-knit military community, she absorbed the values of service, sacrifice, and solidarity. The influence of her father, a military serviceman, was profound, instilling in her a sense of duty and discipline from a young age. His commitment to his country and his family laid the foundation for Lt Col Curtis's own journey of service. —Embracing Diversity and Overcoming Adversity— Lt Col Curtis's personal journey as a woman of color in an interracial relationship is a testament to her resilience in the face of adversity. She reflects on the obstacles she encountered and the strength she drew from her experiences. Through hardship and discrimination, Lt Col Curtis emerged stronger, her resolve unshaken. Her story underscores the importance of embracing diversity and fostering an inclusive environment, not just within the military but in society at large. —Leadership Journey in the Air Force— Lt Col Curtis's ascent through the ranks of the Air Force is a testament to her leadership prowess. From her early days as a young officer to her current role as squadron commander, she has demonstrated exceptional skill and dedication. Her assignments and deployments have taken her to the far corners of the globe, where she has played a vital role in global airlift operations. —Advocacy and Impact— In her capacity as a Defense Legislative Fellow in Congress, Lt Col Curtis has wielded her influence to effect change and shape policy. Her advocacy for women, children, and families has left an indelible mark on the defense landscape. Through her leadership philosophy and vision for the 92d Maintenance Squadron, Lt Col Curtis continues to inspire those under her command to reach for new heights and push beyond perceived limitations. Her legacy is not just one of rank and title, but of service and sacrifice, of breaking barriers and blazing trails for future generations to follow.

(Disclaimer: HeroFront is privately owned and operated. This episode is not sponsored by DoD, USAF, or Fairchild AFB)